TELEFON 0770 26 36 76

Luni - Vineri 9:00 - 18:00



Despre Dachbau

DachBau este o companie ce activeaza in domeniul sistemelor de evacuare a fumului si gazelor fierbinti prin intermediul trapelor de fum si al produselor asociate acestora – luminatoare de tip cupola si continue, trape de acces pe acoperis, centrale desfumare si accesorii.

Echipa DachBau, cu o experienta de peste 17 ani in domeniul evacuari fumului si gazelor fierbinti , ofera solutii complete de vanzare ,instalare, proiectare si consultanta pentru desfumare si ventilatie naturala a spatiilor prin intermediul trapelor de fum si a luminatoarelor industriale.

Solicita o cotatie

DachBau s-a concentrat continuu pe menținerea relațiilor cu clienții și pe dezvoltarea filozofiei noastre de a lucra împreună cu clienții noștri pentru a livra solutii complete, competitive și eficiente, printr-o abordare profesionista.

Suntem o companie responsabila care punem pe primul loc securitatea angajatilor si clientilor nostrii. Serviciile noastre includ proiectare, vanzarea, instalarea și serviciile de mentenanta. De 17 de ani, am deservit industria construcțiilor cu aceleași servicii de încredere, drept pentru care am devenit un partener de încredere pentru antreprenori, arhitecti si constructori.

Misiunea noastra


For 37 years, Roof served the construction industry with the same ethical,  and award winning service that made us most trusted contractor.


Roof’s Policy will be regularly monitored. The implementation of our Safety Policy requires total commitment from all employees.


Roof have been transforming the visions of our clients into award-winning projects. Roof offer a outstanding services to our clients.

Why Choose Us

Roof is one of the most experienced and respected building & construction firms for over a century. Roof have been transforming the ideas and visions of our clients into award-winning projects.

  • Financial Responsibility to Our Clients
  • Superior Quality and Craftsmanship
  • Quality and Value to the Projects We Deliver
  • Highest Standards in Cost Control
  • On Time and on Budget
  • Real Focus on Customer Satisfaction

Popular Questions

For small projects like replacing a window or patching a wall, the answer is no. For larger projects, In an architect can add tremendous value and cost savings to your project.

It does make candidates stand out if they can call on examples from other areas of their lives, such as internships, part-time jobs or extracurricular activities,’ Neemita Mepani, graduate resourcing partner at AMEC, reflects.

It follow the STAR format when giving your examples. Explain the Situation, the Tasks you had to complete, the Actions you took and the Results of your actions. Place the most emphasis on the actions and the results.